Government gladiators denounce false prophets who oppose government

President Ricardo Martinelli and some of his "gladiators"The “gladiators”, a hardcore group of Cambio Democrático (CD) members formed to push the government line in response to political attacks, have turned on those expressing opposition to the judicial nominations made by President Ricardo Martinelli.

"The opposition politicians and leaders of the so-called civil societies are biased false prophets who see everything wrong," said Ivan Rios Gallegos, a member of the group.
According to Ríos Gallegos, government critics "will end up looking like the people who believed in the Mayan prophesies for denigrating the achievements of the government which benefit the country.
"Everytime the president or his government does something, everything is questioned by uncooperative people who fail to provide solutions to national problems,' he said. "Panama has reached a great moment of development, thanks to the great works carried out by the CD-led government."

The Gladiators who,  it is claimed, receive no pay, although some of them are unemployed, were  trained by the government's PR spokesman and his staff.