Climate change sparks Canal transit alerts

Climate change added to the El Niño phenomenon has brought other effects like stronger solar radiation and wind, forcing the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) to communicate four alerts to draft adjustments for neopanamax vessels.

The maximum depth or normal depth to which Neopanamax can navigate through the Canal is 50 feet, but, due to the low levels of Gatun and Alajuela lakes, the ACP has had to announce changes.

The first adjustment, which was applied since February 11, reduced the level for the Neopanamax to 49 feet. The second adjustment, which took effect February 27, places the draft at 48 feet.

The third adjustment is announced from March 13 is to 47 feet and the fourth authorized to 46 feet from March 29, says Carlos Vargas, ACP vice president of Water and Environment.

The notice sent to the shipping companies indicates that ships arriving after March 29, with drafts of more than 14.02 meters (46 feet) may be allowed “depending on the actual level of Gatun Lake at the time of the transit”. Otherwise, add the notice, it will be necessary to cut or download some merchandise.

Although removing the weight of the boats affects Canal revenues, so far it has not had much impact because there are few vessels that require more than 48 feet.