CD stalwarts sworn in to Parlacen

 Panama's governor Mayin Correa and other members of the Cambio Democrático (CD) took an oath of office on Thursday March 21 at the headquarters of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen) in Guatemala.

President Ricardo Martinelli campaigned on a promise to abolish Panama’s membership of Parlacen which he regarded as servi8ng no purpose and a refuge for politicians facing investigation.
CD members traveled there on Wednesday. They received their credentials on Feb. 26 from the Tribunal Electoral (TE).
Parlacen spokesman Amed Arosemana said that the new members will join Panama's delegation, which also includes members of the PRD and Popular Party.
Three members of the PRD, Gilberto Sucari, Manuel Bermúdez and Pablo Pérez, who were removed from the organization, have said they will not allow the CD members to participate.
Panama currently owes $4 million to Parlacen in back fees which were not paid when Panama withdrew from the entity. It has since rejoined after the Supreme Court ruled that leaving it was unconstitutional.
Martinelli said that the debt would be paid once the CD members were sworn in.