Martinelli blames Machiavellian mind for garbage-dump fire

Facing growing criticism from business leaders and the public over the Metro Bus chaos and the toxic fumes from a burning garbage dump, President Ricardo Martinelli has moved to quell at least one fire of discontent.

He has placed the blame for the start of the week old fire at Cerro Patacón on unknown perpetrators who “planned with a Machiavellian mind,” reports La Prensa. The blaze, he said, was not fortuitous. “The authors of the fire are not anti-government but opposition to the country,” he said on Tuesday, March 26
He has called on the capital's mayor, Roxana Mendez, and representatives of districts, to make a comprehensive reassessment of the concession granted to Urbalia Panama, SA, which handles the landfill.
"These people are irresponsible and this contract must be reviewed," said Martinelle before starting a tour of the site.
According to the president, " we have not heard a peep from the company" which he said has not sent a spokesman or issued a statement fiving its position on what happened in the landfill.
For the president, the company "had to face up " but “it has been the state that has come forward.. "They have been irresponsible.
Martinelli said the communities near the garbage dump "do not have to worry", because the fire is now under control. "You're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel," he said.
Carlos Castaño, of Urbalia Panama, said the company has always been present in the emergency, the garbage authority was the one responsible for issuing statements
"We have always been supporting them," he told TelemetroReport. Moreover wjile the fight to control th fire was going on,the company created an alternative site so that the trash could be deposited and collection continue throughout the city and not present a health emergency.

Minister of the Presidency, Roberto Henriquez, said he regretted any inconvenience caused in the population. “Fortuitous things happen,” he said.
Henriquez reported that a team from California, was arriving provide guidance to prevent the re-igniting of the capital’s garbage dump. of the capital. He stressed that the smoke at Cerro Patacón is now minimal. “What remains is nothing,” he said.