Irresponsible fuel truck company closes Bridge of Americas for 12 hours.

An overturned fuel truck closed the Pan-American Highway for about 12 hours between the Bridge of the Americas and Arraiján on Thursday March 28, as thousands of families prepared to move to the Interior for the Easter weekend.

Meanwhile,thousands of workers were heading into Panama expecting to collect their month end pay.

The Bridge of the Americas was closed and traffic diverted to the Centenario Bridge.
The truck, carrying 9,200 gallons of fuel late Wednesday evening and the fuel spill was contained by midnight. But the truck remained blocking the on ramp but the company owning the truck did not start clean up operations until Thursday norning.
The truck was finally lifted by a crane and removed at shortly before 11 am on Thursday Arturo Alvarado head of the civil defense agency Sinaproc, said that the investigation has started and that "forceful" action will be taken against the owner of the truck.
Alvadoro said that the company, which has not yet been identified, was irresponsible in the handling of the accident.