Alliance with ruling party the road to extinction

With national elections still 14 months away, internecine battles are surfacing in Panama’s main political parties.

On Monday, April 1,  Molirena (Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement) deputy Jorge Alberto Rosas warned the party’s president Sergio Gonzalez Ruiz, that allying with the ruling Democratic Change(CD) party in the 2014 elections, would be political suicide, leading to Molirena’s extinction.

Rosas, who opposes the current leadership of his party, suggested Gonzalez Ruiz reconsider a future alliance with one of the three major parties.
"In my opinion we should make an alliance with the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) or the Panamenista Party and before talking about providing a vice-presidential candidate. we should open discussions with these two parties to guarantee survival. To go into alliance with the CD when the caucus has endorsed the Molirena candidate José Domingo Arias, who scores a 1% lead in the party, is the road to extinction " he said.

Rosas said that alliance with Democratic Change is a "political suicide" and "is doing [González Ruiz] for personal arrangements with the President of the Republic, leading to a match over 30 years to defeat and extinction".