Casco Viejo produces plan to battle traffic chaos

 Casco Viejo’s business community has come up with some solutions to ease the parking and traffic chaos in the old city plagued by delayed construction projects that have closed some businesses, and threatened others.

But the survivors have not sat down waiting for officialdom to solve their problems, They have, on numerous occasions, banded together to provide mutual support, create events, solve garbage problems and even introduce a community discount card

A recently formed traffic committee came up with a pilot project to try to cope with the current chaos.
They met with the SPI and transit authorities, and from this weekend initiated some “substantial changes”.
According to a citizen’s group memo they include”
All the restaurant valet parkings will park only in closed lots… notbin the street; a select group of former “bien cuidados” approved by th the SPI will become “Parking Guides” with an identifying Tshirt, etc). No other “bien cuidados” will be allowed.
Secured, insured parking lots will be available for visitors and residents. especially over the “crazy” weekends.
Plants in heavy pots will be installed in the critical areas where cars have previously been parked illegally.
Calle 11 will change direction, now going up from La Rana Dorada towards B Avenue.

The group expects to see: fewer cars in the streets and on the sidewalks; an organized valet parking service; mproved security for cars; improved car and pedestrian circulation; a reduction in “bien cuidado” related incidents; the end of “bien cuidado” children; new job opportunities for “guides” and gardeners”; awareness about new parking lots