WHAT THE PAPERS SAY : a sport tarnished

Hoy por Hoy,La Prensa Tuesday April 29

As if there was any doubt, the President yesterday made a public admission of the end of the separation of state powers.

Through his social networking account, Martinelli gave orders to a private company to act according to his will, in a trial in which 'you know' he has no say. Now no matter what the courts ultimately decide according to law: We all know that thanks to Martinelli, the Fepafut (Soccer Association) need not have to worry about the lawsuit filed against them by the Cerveceria Baru Panama.
 And close the doors At the Court and you can take key, and forward the files to San Felipe for resolution. The concern is that if they behave like this cases that are not their business, how will it be with the management of their own affairs in court. A slap to judicial independence, legal certainty and fairness. All this, wrapped in the shirt of the football team. What a way to tarnish the spo