El Carmen zoning changes split community

ZONING changes in El Carmen, approved by the Ministry of Housing, haven split the community with banners for and against springing up across the community.

Many fear the face of the area will be changed by overdevelopment similar to what has happened in Obarrio or San Francisco.
Others who support the change have green posters hanging in the windows of their homes: "Cities grow, YES to zoning changes."
Opponents are displaying red banners: "No more abuses. NO to zoning changes".
La Prensa reports:"Our community has submitted a plan of land use to the Ministry, this proposal was agreed upon with the community and endorsed by 800 signatures, but our plan was not embraced by the regulator," said architect and area resident Rodrigo Candanedo, who opposes the change.
"People want to live in peace and quiet and depend on the quality of life in this neighborhood," he added.
According to Candanedo, those who are in favor of these zoning changes represent "Two percent of the population of the community" and are concentrated mostly on Second Street and Ricardo Mirá, which have more traffic than other areas.
Aldo Stagnaro one of the residents who favor the change, says that his property can be converted into a shop.
Rafael Carles, an entrepreneur and resident of the area, believed that the concerns of his neighbors are overblown."The impact won't be so great," he said.