CD primaries record polling station irregularities

SUPPORTERS of the two leading candidates in the Democratic Change party (CD) presidential primary infringed rules governing polling stations on Sunday, May 12.

Tribunal Electoral (TE) officials removed copies of the weekly newspaper La Opinion from the polling station in Belisario Porras School.
The newspaper named José Domingo Arias the winner of today's presidential primary, and TE officials said the placing of the newspaper in the polling station constituted an electoral offense. The newspaper which promotes the CD, is found scatered through government  offices. Newspaper owner Alfredo Prieto noted the date of the newspaper was May 8, and that the story was based on polls.The case will be referred to the judges of the TE.

TE delegates withdrew a banner supporting Romulo Roux from a polling station at Antonio Jose de Sucre School in David, Chiriqui. One of the TE officials said that this type of propaganda is prohibited. No one can put a banner within 20 meters of a voting center .They also said handing out items carrying the names of candidates was prohibited. Near polling stations.