Under performing Metro bus contractor gets subway plum

NEW DIRECT no bid contracts have been made for the construction and management of the Panama Metro.

The management contract goes to a company that has been fined for nonperformance with the Metro Bus system.

FCC and Odebrecht Construction, in charge of civil works, through contract addendum will be in charge of the metro extension from Andes to San Isidro. They will also build a new station in El Ingenio, says Roberto Roy, secretary of the Metro.
$1.88 billion was originally budgeted for Metro 1 but will now reach up to $2 billion says a La Prensa report 
Odebrecht has several times increased their state contracts with addenda: the Panama-Colón highway and the second phase of the Cinta Costera.
Sona which has been responsible for issuing Metro Bus, passes is also favored with new direct contracts to manage the collection of fares for Metro.
 It is the same company that has been fined by the Transit Authority, for its inefficiencies and has been criticized by the President.