Confusion over Ministry official shot at her desk

A JOURNALIST working in the PR department of the Ministry of Government is in intensive care in Santo Tomas Hospital after being shot in an incident involving a National Police Officer.
Deputy Minister of Government, Gustavo Perez, confirmed on Monday afternoon that Erika Guerra was in stable condition after receiving a gunshot wound.
According to Perez, Guerra received first aid before being taken to the medical center.
When asked ofthe status of the agent involved in the confusing incident that left Guerra with a bullet wound Perez said that for him the most important was the victim whom he described as "an angel of God."
He added that everything that happened after Guerra was wounded and the trajectory of the bullet has been a miracle because she managed to overcome the surgery she underwent in the afternoon.
Perez said that the Ministry of Government is supporting the father and mother of Guerra who are at the Santo Tomas hospital.
In the morning the Government Minister Jorge Ricardo Fabrega, told that a security officer was handling a gun and he fired a shot and wounded the staff member.
"This shot went through a wall of gypsum" on the ground floor of the Ministry Fabrega said.