Panama social peace at risk without consensus

THE COUNCIL of the National Coalition for Development in Panama has raised concerns about social peace following the passing of a law allowing the sale of government shares.

On Friday, July 2 the body issued a statement calling for both executive and legislative bodies to pass a law prohibiting the sale of shares owned by the Panamanian Government.

They also reiterated that they do not agree with the sale of the shares held by the State in joint ventures (utilities and Cable & Wireless), as outlined in a speech by President Martinelli in June 2012.
Therefore, says the statement they ask the Executive Body to object to Bill No. 569, because it violates agreements with the National Coalition.
Another point highlighted in the statement, read by attorney Ruiloba Caesar, is that Bill No. 569 was approved without proper consultation with citizens.
They stressed that social peace in the country requires consensus building through public consultations with a high degree of transparency and expanded citizen participation
Ruiloba said that there is concern within the National Coalition at the way the bill was passed amid the current political situation.