Chorrera school band to march in London New Year spectacular

AN INTERNATIONAL award winning school band from Chorrera, Panama, has been invited to participate in one of the World’s great street spectacles in London, England, viewed by tens of millions.

A delegation from the “Olympic City” led by Catherine Longworth, a former Lord Mayor of The City of Westminster, visited Colegio Moisés Castillo on Friday, September 27, to meet members of the school’s marching band and its director Ameth Shreeves to deliver the invitation to travel to the UK –for the London New Year’s Day Parade 2014.

Ms Longworth, a principal patron of the parade, is an appointed International Goodwill Ambassador and has been selected to represent the Mayoralty of The City of Westminster – which hosts the event – at the ceremony.
The turn of the year tradition in the UK capital is the biggest event of its kind in the world.
More than 8,000 performers from all corners of the globe entertain a street audience of around 500,000 – and a global TV audience of tens of millions.
Panama TV networks will be offered full comprehensive coverage of the event via satellite free of charge enabling parents, supporters and members of the Chorrera community to see the historic performance.
If you want a preview of what London can expect, you will find many loads on YouTube or you can see them live during the Independence parades in Panama City in November.