Health Care strikers want meeting with Martinelli

THE STRIKE of health workers including doctors, specialists, nurses and technician could go on for a month unless President Ricardo Martinelli is ready to sit down and talk says a strike leader.

The strikers say they will not give up in their fight to ensure quality health. Martinelli calls the strikers “despicable” and Government representatives say there has never been a reason for a national strike.

Fernando Castañeda , member of the National Negotiating Medical Commission ( Comenenal ) warned on Saturday, October 5 , that the end of the strike depends solely on the actions and willingness of the Government to sit down and talk, reports La Prensa

" It is historic that medical associations strike resist striking but we can take more than 30 days as a result of the misdeeds of the government, it is these that define how far the strike will go," said the doctor.
He reiterated that "the population is being affected by the intransigence, arrogance and lack of dialogue on the part of government authorities ."
Given the above, it pointed directly to President Martinelli , who had the opportunity to " veto or to hold up" the 69 law and talk to the unions .
He said that the conditions for ending the walk out involved direct dialogue with the president of the nation, the repeal of the law, an end to repression and the re-instatement of fired staff..
Castaneda said that "the strike is increasingly being strengthened , not only by the health unions , but unions and citizens concerned about a flood of foreign workers.