Pressure continues for ousting of 3 Supreme Court judges.

CALLS FOR the resignation of Supreme Court Chief Justice Alejandro Moncada Luna and alternate judges Gabriel Fernández and Efrén Tello continue to come from lawyers, businessmen, civil groups and the public.

This is due to their decision to overturn a ruling by the Tribunal Electoral (TE) on a campaign issue, a clear violation of the Constitution says La Prensa.

 While the decision was later overturned, the calls have not ceased for action to be taken against the judges. 
Carlos Lee, a member of the Civic Alliance, said that the demand for the resignations "is a reflection of the dissatisfaction and discomfort the citizenship has with the handling of the justice system and the lack of Independence."
Enrique de Obarrio, former president of the Association of Private Company Executives, said that "These three characters have disqualified themselves from continuing to administer justice in the name of and by authority of the law."
Former president of the National Bar Association César Ruiloba said the National Assembly needs to take action in this matter, as it has final say on the conduct of judges.
Lee said that a law regulating the judiciary is needed to prevent future incidents, especially in the appointment of judges and magistrates. He said judges should be appointed on merit and not through "cronyism or political allegiances."
Ruiloba said that there needs to be "self-regulation and a political commitment to appoint the best men and women" to judicial positions.
A third protest demanding the resignation of the judges is slated for TuesdayNovember 19 at noon at the headquarters of the court.