Failure to create alliance a threat to country – Balladares

FAILING to create an opposition alliance to the Cambio Democratic (CD) Party would "be a threat to the country" said former President Ernesto Pérez Balladares, Tuesday, November 19.

Ernesto Pérez Balladares,

 An alliance is the only way of ensuring victory in the general elections of 2014 he said,  as it was obvious that an alliance would be a winning choice  and that failing to do so would be a threat, due to the practices of the current administration.

He said he couldn’t even consider the possibility of the current government remaining in power.
Perez Balladares stressed that a single opposition alliance would have a greater chance of winning because its votes would not be divided.
 He also noted that the PRD has been hurt by the creation of the Broad Front for Democracy, which brings together members of the left that had "traditionally voted" with the PRD.
He Said that the party has alienated these supporters due to its internal politics.