Arias claims no link to attack ad group

CD PRESIDENTIAL candidate José Domingo Arias has again denied any link to the pro-Martinelli group Panama Advances, which has been running attack ads against opposition candidates and is headed President; Martinelli’s former spokesman.

"I don't have any kind of relationship with them," said Arias.

The statement was offered prior to a meeting held by the candidate with the Industrial Syndicate of Panama (SIP) on Wednesdat, November 20 says La Prensa.
Arias also revealed details of the meeting he had with United States Vice President Joe Biden, who spoke on Tuesday with the three major party candidates.
About the meeting, Arias said that "he was very pleased with his visit to Panama. We talked about the ability of Panama to produce and develop a logistics services that will not only serve the region but will consolidate the hemisphere."
He said the two also discussed security, economic growth and social development.
He said that Biden had no concerns about the country's democracy.
At today's meeting, Arias discussed changes in the country's economy, and in particular to the agricultural section.