Electoral judges call prosecutor in for a talk

THE JUDGES of Panama’s Electoral Tribunal (TE) have called the electoral prosecutor to a meeting, following harsh criticisms of his role from various sectors of society.

 The criticisms of Eduardo Penaloza, stem from his activities during the current election campaigns and although Penaloza is not subordinate to the TE , the judges feel they need to talk to him about the management carried out by the prosecutor , as they consider that there is a perception that "electoral crimes are not investigated ."

Judge Eduardo Valdés Escoffery on Friday, November 22 explained that as they have done in the past with other prosecutors Penaloza has been “invited to talk” so they can get a better picture of his work. which is criticized , and is affecting electoral justice. "
He added that it is not known how many records have the prosecutor has nor how long they have been with him.
In this pre-election year says La Prensa, criticism of the electoral prosecutor has increased, especially for his action against controversial policies that guide adverts, and in recent weeks voices of disgust have been raised in various sectors.
Added to this, the controversial Law 54 has given new powers to the Electoral Prosecutor.
The rule in Article 3 , which amended Article 207 of the Electoral Code provides that on the subject of election propaganda the responsibility is the Electoral Office.
The prosecution , according to the law, will in the first instance make a decision on the case within a period not exceeding 15 days, then the verdict shall be delivered to the Electoral Tribunal which may suspend the propaganda.