Fight against corruption not aided by hosting conference

CONTRARY to the contention of Panama’s government the fight against corruption was not strengthened by hosting the UN Convention against Corruption.

The statement comes from the Panama Chapter of Transparency International that said: "The government tends to exaggerate its achievements, and those who do not know the subject may believe that what they argue is real," said Angelica Maytín , chief executive of IT Chapter of Panama .

There was even a lack of access to information during this meeting in which 139 countries participated , said the activist .
In an official statement, the government said that "the international drive against corruption was strengthened" during the session Panama was represented by Abigail Benzadón , the Martinelli appointed director of the newly created National Authority Transparency and Access to Information ( Antai ) .
" Martinelli could argue that the fight against corruption was strengthened but six resolutions that were adopted , six in total , must " be translated into tangible actions, and that happens very infrequently " Maytín said.
The lawyer said that "the monitoring mechanism of the conference was not strengthened , because the resolutions did not establish actionable plans for countries after being evaluated."
Vincent Lazatin , world president of the Coalition of Civil Society of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC – Coalition) , was another critic of the results of the conference.
"The fight against corruption in a country is not strengthened by hosting an international conference against corruption. It requires that authorities who investigate and punish this scourge are independent, and that those who run the agencies working for transparency from the government are also independent" said Maytín .
" That Panama has hosted this event should serve as an opportunity for the government to develop laws that forcefully attack the scourge of corruption , and the only thing they did was to approve the creation of the Antai with full opacity " Maytín added.