Presidential forecast has subway constructors fighting the clock

A NOVEMBER announcement by President Ricardo Martinelli that Line one of the Metro subway would be in operation in February has the Contractors and their employees fighting against the clock.

While the secretary of Panama Metro , Roberto Roy , said the overall progress of the project is 95% complete with the contract due to expire on February 28 some sections of the project are as little as 55% ready, and one station has an undetermined completion date.

 There are 12 Metro stations (six underground and six elevated ) in the $1.8 billion project.
A tour of the stations by La Prensa, found officials reporting that the most complex works are already complet and they are dedicated to putting the finishing touches.
For example, in the underground station Cinco de Mayo, 5 , the work is focused on enabling the three small buildings housing elevators, air conditioning and escalators.
This is the most advanced structure says La Prensa with areas adjacent to the Valdés Manuel Ferrer polyclinic and the West Indian Museum already with signage, sidewalks , bus stops , among others.
The Lottery station is the most backward, as it was an optional part of the contract and therefore has a longer term, said Roy without specifying how long the additional construction will take.
Of the 12 stations in eight are finishing working on the elevators and escalators and air conditioners , as in the case of El Carmen , via Argentina and Fernández de Córdoba. In addition, lighting and firefighting equipment are installed.
Roy acknowledged that some small works will be outstanding but "delivery will be substantial."
He also said that between March and April, 28 controlled passenger trials will be conducted from 5:00 am to 10:00 pm. Travel will be free during this time, until President Martinelli announces the cost of the service.
According to the Metro Planning Secretariat Metro, Metro commercial operations could begin in May and June 2014.
Raul Bravo, Project Engineer of the Panama Metro, said that stations Cinco de Mayo and Fernández de Córdoba have 92 % of the physical work complete. St. Thomas and Via Argentina via stations are 80% ready and Lottery and El Carmen, 55% and 60%, respectively.
The most advanced are the elevated stations of the Andes with 90% complete, followed by San Miguelito, 85% and Pueblo Nuevo 90%. Infrastructures at Bravo, October 12 and Sugarloaf are 85% advanced in the general work.