Repeat impaired drivers face $12,000 fine, lifetime suspension

PANAMA DRIVERS who get a fourth impaired driving conviction will be hit with a $12,000 fine and will lose their driving licenses for life, starting in the New Year.
There will be increased hefty sanctions for earlier offenses.
The new schedule will be implemented in January, according to Roberto Moreno, director of the Transportation Authority (ATTT).
Moreno, told La Prensa that the proposal for new penalties for those who insist on driving under the influence of alcohol, is ready to be submitted to the board.
"In January we should be implementing the fines," he said
Moreno said that the first time that a driver is caught driving under the influence he will be fined $500 and lose his driver's license for three months.
On the second occasion the driver will pay a fine of $3000, plus a six-month license suspension. A third offense, will be punished with a $6000 fine and a two year license suspension.
A fine of $12,000 and a lifetime ban follows for an impaired driver is caught for the fourth time.
On another issue, Moreno said that installation had begun on some of the sites where 20 cameras will be distributed for traffic control, including, the road to the Centenario Bridge, Via Ricardo J. Alfaro, Avenida la Amistad and Costa del Este.
It is expected that the cameras will begin operations in mid-April when the ATTT will introduce an awareness campaign for drivers.