Constitutional challenge to land deals for Martinelli associate

TWO CONSTITUTIONAL challenges to a cabinet approved land deal benefiting a close associate of President Ricardo Martinelli have been filed with Panama’s Supreme Court.

The Cabinet Council approved, the sale of 4318 square meters,  marine filler in Punta Pacifica without public auction, to Adnaloy Ltd, SA linked to Gabriel Btesh, a businessman close to President Ricardo Martinelli , who, reports La Prensa, has received millions in direct contracts from Tocumen Airport during this administration.

The two suits were filed by attorney Juan Carlos Henriquez.
In the first application, Henriquez calls the Cabinet resolution unconstitutional, because two of the fourteen ministers of state – Alma Cortes, head of Labor, and Guillermo Ferrufino, Social Development, did not sign the document.
According to Henriquez, the Constitution provides that the acts of the executive or the Cabinet will have no value if they are not endorsed by all ministers.
The other lawsuit filed on Jan. 7, relates to giving Btesh free patent to land in Paitilla and the controversial concession to manage parking lots for 20 years at Tocumen International Airport.