Former CD presidential hopeful promises indigenous votes for Varela

A FORMER CD presidential hopeful announced today that he will support Panameñista presidential candidate Juan Carlos Varela and bring in the votes of 5,000 Indigenous people.

The reason, according to the ex CD stalwart, Rubén Dario González, is that CD presidential candidate José Domingo Arias has ignored him during the campaign.

"He only attends to the 'haves.' José Domingo Arias is the wrong type of person for the people," he said.
González said that Arias has not contacted him since winning the primary, not even by e-mail, reports La Prensa
"He moves with people who have money, but what he doesn't know is that we have the votes," González said.
González said that some 5,000 indigenous people support his decision and will vote for Varela.