Government keeps basic food basket price hidden in election run up

FROM THE 2009 Martinelli election campaign slogans of lower food costs, until Septembe2013, the price of Panama’s Canasta (basic food basket) rose 26% but, with another election just ahead, the government has kept the prices under wraps
The Basic Food Basket (CBA) remains the main concern of Panamanians reports La Estrella and the escalation hits the lower income groups harder than those who campaigned on walking “In the Shoes of The People”
In September 2013, the prices of staples for Panamanians were $333.40 . How much up since then? No one knows, says La Estrella. The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has not re-released the monthly report on prices, although it should be public information.
Why has the MEF stopped publishing the reports? An email to the Ministry got no response despite having also gone to the PR department. Unofficially it was learned that the person who prepared the escalating price reports had resigned.
A group of economists does gave an answer to the question. The reason is simple La Estrella reports “prices have continued upward and do not want them known, because it is in the middle of an election process ", said Raul Moreira, president of the National Association of Economists.
Economist Adolfo Quintero agrees, and points out that the increases show that “the government policy failed to lower food costs.”
Economist Horacio Estribí agreed and notrd a lack of transparency in the electoral process ' that the MEF is not putting on its website monthly reports of food prices .
Experts agree that the government abandoned the agricultural sector, and this is the cause that has driven food prices in the country. “It has benefited food imports”, says Moreira.
The president of the Economists’ Association also suggests that the reduction of tariffs made to lower food import is not reflected in the cost of products of CBA.
Lower food prices was one of the campaign slogans of the current President of the Republic of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli. The promise seemed logical as the then candidate was a businessman engaged in the sale of food and beverages says La Estrella
But Martinelli (owner of the 99 Supermarket chain failed to lower food prices. On the contrary, they increased $ 68.86, since 2009 when he took office, when the basket cost $ 264.54. Four years later, in 2013, the basket stood at $333. 40.  Now the level is a well hidden secret,