Lack of planning, coordfination, for energy crisis

A THREATENING energy crisis,replecating that of 2013, but made worse by the bankruptcy of a power supplier is worrying Panama business leaders.

The Panamanian Association of Business Executives (APED)E has called for government action in the short and medium term to cope with the imminent energy crisis.


In a press release the Association blamed the crisis on lack of adequate contracting and on drought. 

“In the light of an imminent energy crisis which will bring higher energy costs and possible blackouts in the short term, the Panamanian Association of Business Executives calls for  appropriate corrective action immediately and management of the system with long-term vision and not focusing only on the circumstantial problem.

“In the view of this organization, the picture presented from this point is nothing more than the chronicle of a death knell, therefore steps must be taken in the short and medium term in order to cope with this crisis, which has lasted for two years and seems to have become an intrinsic part of our system.
They may be a voice in the wilderness as, in March 2013, they issued a similar warning, forecasting a high chance of interruptions to the supply of electricity, due to lack of sufficient generation.

"We have raised this issue of great importance, since Panamanians are interested in having in the future sufficient power and at good prices, and we have significant growth, not only in the area, but worldwide, and that growth should respond to the inputs that the country needs in order to be competitive" said Roberto Troncoso, then president of APEDE.