Venezuelan deputy in Panama says Maduro will dialogue

A VISITING Venezuelan deputy says that President Nicolas Maduro will engage in dialogue with the opposition in that country with a view to ending the protests that have claimed the lives of at least six people.

Earle Herrera, who is in Panama. Herrera also denied that the police force of the country lashed out against peaceful demonstrators or used weapons.

Protests against the government have intensified in recent days and the opposition has denounced the force used by the police authorities. The government alleges incitement backed by the U,S, Regarding the situation of detained opposition leader Leopoldo López, Herrera said that he will have the right to defend himself with mechanisms allowed by the constitution reports La Prensa.
The deputy, who is also a professor at the Central University of Venezuela, is visiting Panama as part of a program called "Here passed Chavez," which is a commemoration of the first anniversary of the death of former President Hugo Chávez (1954-2013).