Martinelli casts doubt on election vote counting

Martinelli casts doubt on election vote counting
THE ELECTORAL mudslinging with imputations of dirty tricks continues
On Sunday, February 23 Secretary of State Communication Luis Eduardo Camacho, issued a statement questioning the security of the electoral ballots.
"There are signs that at least one of the judges is more concerned about his party than being the impartial judge in the contest," he said.
President Ricardo Martinelli followed up on Monday, with a call for theElectoral Tribunal Electoral (TE) allow all political parties to check on the transmission of voting data in the May general election.
He said that would prevent voting totals from being corrupted. The president said that he has "doubts" in relation to the company in charge of this task, which belongs to a member of the opposition PRD.
The company "does not give me a good feeling," said Martinelli said. He said all parties should have access to the raw voting data.