Martinelli calls PRD candidate killer and thief

AFTER only a couple of weeks since the final signing of the Electoral Ethics pact, for some it has become a non-enforceable piece of history.

Civil society, business groups and Church leaders have called on political parties that discuss the issues and avoid personal verbal attacks and calumnies.

Earlier in the week the CD party leaders hinted at Electoral Tribunal bias and potential manipulation of voting results, by the supplier of the vote counting system, although it was the same supplier that registered the votes when President Ricardo Martinelli swept to power, and provided the system for the CD primaries.
On Friday, February 28 Martinelli castigated deputy candidate in Veraguas, Pedro Miguel González,.
Without mentioning his name, Martinelli said that this person has a process outstanding in America "for killing a human being" and whom he knew: " stole" land in Calovébora and Luis Río.
Gonzalez said: "Obviously Martinelli is despairing, not only for the result of the presidential election, but facing defeat in the 9-3 circuit."