Navarro promises to nix $250 million helicopter and radar deal

JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO, presidential candidate of the Democratic Revolutionary Party ( PRD), has promised that if he comes to power all the equipment acquired from the scandal ridden Italian defense contractor, will be returned.

He said that the Panamanian government would co-operate fully in the ever widening corruption case against the company, which has involved the arrests of its president and multiple senior executives Panama is linked to the Italian investigations with allegations of bribes paid to government officials. The fixer between the company and Panama, Valter Lavitola, is due to face trial in late June along with the president of Finmeccanica. Panama has said that the case is “closed” here.

 Navarro promised that his government "it will return immediately " all the equipment such as radars , helicopters , digital maps or other product of such "a fraudulent transaction".
"We will suspend immediately and definitively any payment due for the purchase of such equipment in the contract amount reported amounting to 180 million euros (250 million dollars). Similarly, the government would demand the return of any payment made to date for the fraudulent purchase" said Navarro accompanied by members of his party and Gerardo Solis, vice presidential candidate.
His remarks followed the latest arrests, two ex-executives of Finmeccanica as part of an investigation into the tracking system of special and hazardous waste.