Daughter of lesbian couple baptized in Argentina Catholic Church

THE DAUGHTER of a lesbian couple, was baptized by the Catholic Church in Argentina on Saturday, April 5. President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was the godmother of the law that allowed the couple to marry.
It was the first case in the country, a gesture of opening the institution headed by Argentinian Pope Francis reports the AFP news agency.
Umma, conceived by envitro fertilizarion was born in January and was anointed with the Sacrament in the cathedral of Cordoba by permission of Archbishop Carlos Ñáñez .
Carina Villarroel 32, and Ortiz 28 were married in 2013.
Fernández de Kirchner was absent from the ceremony and instead sent a naval aide .
Although there are precedents in other countries, including Spain, the fact is unprecedented for a lesbian marriage in Argentina, homeland of Pope Francisco , who as Archbishop of Buenos Aires opposed gay marriage, although advocating granting gays baptism in a country 75% Catholic.
"This has set precedents, the Church has opened a big door after much struggle and discrimination," Carina said.
"Umma is like all children. That is the message we are all equal , all are equal in the world , heterosexual and gay , we all have the same right."
Last year the Church had granted the baptism of twins of the popular transsexual actress Florencia de la V and her husband.
Since he was elected Pope in 2013 , PopeFrancis has driven a debate about the contemporary family and convened two synods (assemblies of bishops) in 2014 and 2015.
Issues like gay marriage, civil unions , abortion, adoption by same-sex couples communion for the divorced and birth control which have been taboo for the Church were contained in a questionnaire sent to bishops around the world, who are expected to make decisions