Martinelli continues on Arias campaign trail

DESPITE warning notes from the Electoral Tribunal and criticism from civil groups and politicians,President Ricardo Martinelli continues to use government publicity opportunities to promote the CD presidential candidate, Jose Domingo Arias.

On Monday, April 21, accompanied by Arias he took advantage of a visit to the Panama Canal expansion on to attack Panameñista presidential candidate Juan Carlos Varela.

''When Varela and I were in the opposition, I supported the Canal expansion project from the very beginning because it is a good project for the country, but Varela was opposed to this project just because it was proposed by the PRD," said Martinelli.
Martinelli said that Varela turned down opportunities to be involved in the Metro and social development programs because he wanted to spend time on "politics."
"Varela chose the post of chancellor and wanted to go everywhere with me," said Martinelli.
The president said that the people deserve an explanation of the actions of Varela, who is also the vice president and was Martinelli's running mate before the two had a falling out.
Martinelli also accused Varela of violating the electoral ethics pact by running a negative campaign.
Before Martinelli made his statements, Varela had predicted that he would be the subject of attacks by the ruling government due to the "desperation" of the campaign of CD candidate José Domingo Arias.
Varela also claimed that his campaign and profesional life have been transparent.
"I've justified all my goods, as well as that of my family," he said. "The information is public and accessible and any asset I acquired can be explained."
The Tribunal Electoral (TE) has issued a notice reminding politicians that article 30 of the Electoral Code establishes a ban on public servants carrying out propaganda or party business during their hours of service, or "using their authority or influence to serve the interests of certain candidates in the electoral process or the organizations that apply them."
This article proposes that public servants can not avail themselves of their authority or require subordinates to carry out activities for the benefit or against certain candidates or political parties.
Article 4 of TE decree 20 of 2003 provides that political comments can't be made during the inauguration of public works or during other official acts.
Finally, the TE called on political parties, candidates and others to respect democratic values and promote a climate of tolerance and civility.