Criminal complaint filed against Martinelli

A CRIMINAL complaint for the alleged corruption of public servants  has been filed against Panama’s president, Ricardo Martinelli.

The lawsuit, was presented by lawyer Roberto Iván Abrego Castillo  tothe General Secretariat of the National Assembly on the morning of Wednesday, April 23 .

It is based on the delay of the construction of the third line of electric distribution and interconnection with Colombia , allegedly for the purpose of promoting  the economic interests of  Martinelli reports La Prensa.

"This is an act of willful omission with intent to commission for his own benefit because, as I stated, the President has a direct financial interest in the activity ," Castillo said.

The complainant stated that due to the suspension of these services , hydropower in the Chiriqui province have been affected because they cannot transfer energy to the capital.

The complaint against Martinelli is supported by the alleged violation of Articles No. 345 and No. 356 of the Penal Code , which criminalize acts of corruption by public officials.