Striking construction workers, employers far apart

PANAMA’S construction workers union,  Suntracs and the employers' Construction  Chamber (Capac) were still far apart, late afternoon, Saturday, afternoon April 26  as the union awaited a counter-proposal in the negotiation of the collective agreement for 2013-2017.

Entrepreneurs and workers resumed negotiations at 8 a.mon Saturday

Erasmo Cerrud, chief negotiator for the workers, said that, in general terms, the chamber has not presented a new proposal since Wednesday.

Cerrud reported that, on the other hand, Suntracs hadbeen making concessions, for example dropping its demand that employers provide transportation for workers.

"We hope that Capac presents their counter-proposal so we can search for mechanisms of agreements," he said.

In the list of grievances, Suntracs is requesting that companies provide each worker five uniforms every six months, a meal and a $150 Christmas bonus.

Cerrud said the employees "will leave all our aspirations on the table because they [employers] have not given any concessions."

Hesaid that the aim of Suntracs is not to continue a work stoppage, which entered the fourth day Saturday but to reach an agreement.

Capac has argued that requests from workers are disproportionate and that to address them, they would have to substantially increase housing prices.