Attacks on local journalists continue, one hits back


Castalia Pascual

ON THE DAY that the UN condemned attacks on the media and journalists, Friday,April 2, Telemetro reporter Álvaro Alvarado filed a criminal complaint for slander against CD Deputy Carlos Afú, before the Supreme Court.

The journalist said, Friday May 2 that the complaint stems from comments Afu made against him and his family during a political act in the Los Santos province. 

Alvarado was accompanied by lawyer Cesar Ruiloba. Cases involving members of the National Assembly are investigated by the Supreme Court. uiloba said that he will be vigilant in following the case."Politics should stay out of this," he said. "The Supreme Court must comply with the law”
Alvarado presented a recording where the voice of Afu could be heard making strong accusations against him. The event took place on April 15 in San Jose, Las Tablas.
 He is one of many local journalists to be attacked by government leaders, including President Ricardo Martinelli who has made personal attacks via Twitter and at public events.
Meanwhile on Friday – TVN channel 2 journalist Castalia Pascual reported that she was the victim of a telephone threat that morning.
Pascual made this allegation through via Twitter.
She said she wants an investigation conducted by authorities to determine the person responsible.
This week the Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP) rejected the attack on the website of the station by hackers. It urged Panamanian authorities to investigate the case expeditiously and apply the force of law to ensure press freedom during Sunday's election.
Station executives have reported that their site,, continues to be targeted by cyber attacks that started April 17.
In addition, anomalies have been recorded in the e-mails of the station's staff.