Departing officials get 15 days to reveal assets

OUTGOING Senior government officials, including President Ricardo Martinelli, will have 10 working days from July 1 to give a full accounting of their assets.

One of the slogans of the Martinelli presidential campaign in 2009, aimed at the opposition was: ”They go in with empty pockets and leave millionaires.” The exiting CD administration has been dogged with allegations of corruption, including a major bribery scandal now before the courts in Italy.

According to article 304 of the Constitution, this notarized statement must be delivered within a period of 10 working days from the suspension of their duties.
Therefore, the outgoing officials have at most 15 days from when Juan Carlos Varela is sworn into office on July 1 to make the declaration reports La Prensa.
The standard also applies to the incoming president and vice president. They have 10 days after taking office to complete the report.
The declaration must contain the income of the two last fiscal years, with identification of their sources; banks, cooperatives or financial institutions that take deposits; foundations, associations and non-profits that they have participation; shares belonging to corporations; real and personal property; securities, stocks; trade instruments and accounts payable to financial institutions.
An authenticated copy of the statement must be sent to the Comptroller's Office and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Judicial authorities may request a certified copy "for any legal matter."
Those who fail to comply with this obligation, shall be punished with a fine by the comptroller "without prejudice to the criminal liability."