Panama revokes asylum for convicted Ecuador deputy

 A RARE move by Panama’s government in revoking an asylum order has been hailed as an ''historical precedent'' by Ecuador officials.


On Tuesday, May 20 they lauded Panama for revoking the asylum granted in October to former opposition Deputy Galo Lara, who was convicted for his involvement in a triple murder in his country.

"This event, which honors the Panamanian government, sets an historic precedent in the region and does justice to the families of the victims," said the Ecuador Foreign Ministry.

Galo Lara was sentenced to 10 years in jail for his role in the murders of a man and his wife and child that was masterminded by Lara's girlfriend in September 2013.
Lara sought asylum in Panama claiming political persecution. The decision to grant him asylum caused friction between the two countries..
Panama’Foreign Ministry said that Panama "has established that there were no political elements that influenced this case.
"The decision by the Panamanian government confirms that the infringement committed by Lara Yépez is a crime with victims who did not have any kind of political connections," the Foreign Ministry noted.