Varela cleans shop, upgrades environment portfolio

FIVE HIGH LEVEL Martinelli appointments made to “extend the mandate” of the outgoing president, will be tossed out in the first week of the Juan Carlos Varela presidency.

He will submit a bill to the National Assembly to revoke the appointments to: the National Revenue Authority ; the National Authority of Public Services ; National Authority Transparency and Access to Information ; Passport Authority and the Maritime Authority of Panama .

" We are considering a law to be submitted to the National Assembly to revoke the five authorities are only made to extend the mandate of officials appointed by Martinelli ," Varela said yesterday in an exclusive interview.
Environment gets Cabinet rank
He also announced the latest additions to his Cabinet ; Mirei Endara Heras has been appointed director of the National Environmental Authority , an institution to be elevated to cabinet rank , and Luis Ernesto Carles will lead the Ministry of Labor and Workforce Development .