Bill to protect Martinelli family gets second reading

Marta Linares de Martinelli will be protected for 10 years

The National Assembly has passed a law on second debate that will directly benefit the family of President Ricardo Martinelli when he leaves office at the end of the month.

The proposal to extend security protection to the families of former presidents, received 38 votes in favor, all from the current government, and eight votes against, all from members of the opposition. Opposition deputies Juan Carlos Arosemena, Jorge Alberto Rosas and Elías Castillo all spoke against it during the debate.

"This is an Assembly disconnected with reality, since 90 percent of the country is against this initiative," said Rosas, who added it would be repealed under the next government.
Castillo, meanwhile, questioned the fact that Ministry of the Presidency officials did not attend the hearing to answer questions about the bill.
The proposal grants security details to the wives and children of former presidents for 10 and five years, respectively, after they leave office
Commentators have questioned the cost of the exercise and maintained that Martinelli, a multi-millionaire can well afford to pay for his family’s security.