Martinelli threat to defame Impreglio over canal outrageous

EIGHTEEN DOSSIERS backing up statements to investigating judges about President Martinelli’s alleged connection to a bribery scheme have been have been handed into court by radio journalist Juan Solés,

They have been delivered to the Court of Naples, chaired by Judge Giovanna Ceppaluni investigating Valter Lavítola’s attempt, instigated by the Government of Panama, to extort the Italian company Impregilo, for the construction of a pediatric hospital in Veraguas promised by former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi reports La Prensa.

At the hearing on June 5, the judge urged the Prisa Radio (Radio Panama locally) as a witness by the prosecutor Vincenzo Piscitelli, to deposit with the court the documents on which he based three hours of testimony. The collection is the result of two years devoted to his research.
The dossiers include statements President Ricardo on the hospital and judicial proceedings in Italy; seven documents and two videos about threats by Security Minister Jose Raul Mulino, Rome to companies I Rome, Lavítola reports on payments; five documents related to Dominican Republic, mainly with the Metropolitan Santo Domingo; eight papers on Rogelio Oruna activities in various countries; four reports on th British Virgin Islands; Italian government press notes; 21 photographs of various events; six audio recordings; Original and recorded report on Panama Radio about an incident at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO,) in June 2013, Also 79 press releases published in media in Panama, Brazil, Italy, Dominican Republic, Portugal and the British Virgin Islands, of which about 30 documented what the reporter described as verbal abuse by senior officials of the Government of Panama, and five Martinelli comments in his Twitter account
Solés must appear again before the judges of the court of Naples in the political corruption trial on June 25.
On Monday, after learning of his participation in the hearing on 5 June, the Ministry of Communication of State issued a bulletin stating that Solés "lies" and asked for explanations to managers Prisa Radio. The group said that the statements of their correspondent were personal. Newspaper Guilds interpreted the Panama government move as another attack on freedom of expression.
The former director and deputy president of Impregilo, and Massimo Ponzellini and Alberto Rubegni, at Thursday’s hearing heard their voices in the audio interceptions No. 1690 and No. 1701, which are part of the court record.
In discussions of the August 2 and 3 2011, the third protagonist is Silvio Berlusconi. President Ricardo Martinelli pushed for the building of the hospital. "It was a threat by Martinelli. The tone was threatening, "said Ponzellini, who described it as an" act of extortion with “warnings that he [Martineli] would announce that Impregilo did not perform a good job on the canal and cause them to fall in the stock market.” He said Valter Lavítola asked for"economic recognition for Martinelli and his environment." Reports La Prensa.
The theory of the prosecution is that the hospital was "a mere screen to vehicular bribes" intended to Martinelli. Meanwhile, Rubegni stated that "outrageous" the possibility that the President, who has no link with the Canal, could defame their business. Was “outrageous” While prosecutors charged only Lavítola, Martinelli's name was repeated in the judicial hearing as the architect of extortion.