Assembly Budget Committee deathbed spending spree

IN THE DYING DAYS with its hands on the public purse, the Budget Committee of the National Assembly has approved at least $425 million for shipments of items and additional credits since the May 4 elections.

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has received a credit of $ 31 million to cover insufficient allocations for institutional management of various public sector entities.
The rest of the money has been allocated, mostly to pay to companies that have completed or still have to build state projects including multiple direct contracts.
Of the $ 425.1 million approved, $ 163.8 million goes to additional credits that need a source of funding and the remaining $ 261.3 million of shipments in progress.
Among the items approved was an extra$ 3.4 million to increase the discretionary budget used by the President. It already exceeds that of any previous president.
Tocumen, SA, has also received a windfall of approvals reports La Prensa. In a little less than a month $41.6 million for approved for shipments of items. Of these, $ 13.5 million would be allocated to the expansion program of the South Terminal at Tocumen International Airport and the payment of land acquired from the University of Panama ($10 million).
Tocumen, SA was also given $3.5 million to cancel the project for supply and installation of the face recognition system and was awarded $686,000 for payment of services garbage collection from the airport. Currently the service is done by Engineering and Management, SA , was hired directly by Tocumen, SA.
The Transit Authority and Land Transport (ATTT) was given funding of $40 million for the payment of subsidies. They also gave $31.7 in additional funds and a transfer for $ 8.2 million. The first would be used to pay for public transport fuel exonerated in Panama, San Miguelito and Chepo, and the tariff subsidy Panama Mass Transit Company (Mi Bus).
Taking the last dollar
Approval of these funds in the aftermath of this government drew criticism from opposition MPs.
Deputy Juan Carlos Arosemena, (PRD), said there is already a budget deficit, so these items will grow the debt even more.
Deputy José Luis Varela (Panameñista) said it appears that some officials “in recent days, want to take every last dollar from the government.
“You have to monitor what is happening over in the Assembly, because it’s too much money being passed and it seems that they want to leave the next government without money,” reports La Prensa.