Regulator seizes control of Es Bank

THE SUPERINTENDENCY of Banks seized control of Es Bank, the local representative of the Portugese bank Espíritu Santo, at noon on Thursday July 17. The authority  acted based on provisions in banking regulations that allows it to take administrative control of banks to protect the interests of depositors and creditors.

It said there are concerns over the bank’s liquidity and potential insolvency, resulting from measures adopted in all jurisdictions.

The bank has had an international license since 2001.

The bank’s offices are located in Punta Pacifica. It currently hasa payroll of 15 employees reports La Prensa.

Regulator seizes control of Es Bank
THE SUPERINTENDENCY of Banks seized control of Es Bank, the local representative of the Portugese bank Espíritu Santo, at noon on Thursday July 17. The authority acted based on provisions in banking regulations that allows it to take administrative control of banks to protect the interests of depositors and creditors.
It said there are concerns over the bank’s liquidity and potential insolvency, resulting from measures adopted in all jurisdictions.
The bank has had an international license since 2001.
The bank’s offices are located in Punta Pacifica. It currently has a payroll of 15 employees reports La Prensa.