Mystery of missing ex-spy boss

FORMER Colombian Security Director Marí¬a del Pilar Hurtado has not left Panama legally, said Immigration Director Javier Carrillo on Monday, August 4.
He added that Hurtado, who has been in Panama since October of 2010, has not exited the country through any immigration controls. So officially she must be in the country. 
“But if she left secretly, we wouldn’t know it,” he said.Earlier reports placed her in Costa Rica.
He reiterated that she has been in Panama illegally since the Supreme Court ruled that the decree granting her asylum in 2010 is unconstitutional reports La Prensa
Carrillo also emphasized that if Hurtado is located, she could not be legally deported as demanded by Colombian authorities. Instead, she would be fined $50 for each month she was in Panama illegally. After paying the fine, Hurtado would have a week to leave the country or regularize her status.
She is wanted in Colombia for illegal spying on judges, journalists and opposition politicians.