Pirate bus network spreading to schools, tourists

ILLEGAL, unlicensed pirate buses in Panama are not only operating on public bus routes but are infiltrating also the tourism sector and even schools transport.Esperanza Mena vice president of the Foundation for the Protection of Public Transport Users, says that the piracy net has spread because of the lack of efficient service

According to the ruling, it is important for parents to know who transport their children in college and to confirm if your operation is legal or not.

Mena urged the Transit Authority (ATTT) to fulfill its role and provide a safe, efficient and uninterrupted transport. service.
Attorney Victor Martinez, who represents survivors and relatives of the fire victims of bus, 8B-06 that saw 18 people incinerated, and many others badly burned, none of whom received compensation, there are small pirate buses and taxis circulating in Panama streets but vehicles up to 60 passengers, school buses, without the required permits.
He said the main consideration is for the users, who pay double the fare and, in turn, risk their lives in unsafe vehicles.
Currently, illegal buses operate at rates ranging from50 cents to $ 3.00, for desperate users trying to get to work or home
The deputy director of the ATTT Ruben Chavez said the pirate transport is not legalized. A census of illegal carriers is under way to determine who are the owners.