Four restaurant gang raiders arrested

FOUR MEMBERS of the gang of robbers that robbed 11 restaurants and bars in a in a two week period in Panama City have been arrested along with five others identified as “children” said Minister of Public Safety. Rodolfo Aguilera, on Tuesday August 19

The minister said that during the operation sufficient evidence linking the detainees to the assaults has benne collected
The round up involved officials of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DIP), the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ) of the National Police and five officers of the Auxiliary Prosecutor of the Republic, led by prosecutor Marcelino Aguilar.
At least 90 officers from the National Police, coordinated by the Ministry of Public Security, are activated in the search to catch the rest of the band, said Aguilera.
He added that asecond meeting between the Panamanian Association of Hotels (Apatel) and the Restaurant Association and Allied Panama (Arap) and National Police will take place on Wednesday to define what security mechanisms will be applied to address the criminal actions to which this sector of the national economy has been exposed.
On Monday, August 18, the director general of the National Police, Omar Pinzon, promised owners and managers of restaurants more police in commercial areas crimes, have been reported, mostly in the districts of San Francisco and Bella Vista.