Work on third Canal bridge moving ahead

WORK ON the third bridge over the Panama Canal, is advancing and if goes according to plan it will be completed at about the time that the third set of locks for the Canal expansion start receiving ships at the Atlantic end.

The project in Baja Colon, was 12% completed on June 30 and, according to the schedule, construction should end in 2016.
The infrastructure is managed by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) as part of the commitment made in 2006 when the third set of locks was approved.
The construction of the cable-stayed bridge, similar to Centennial Bridge was awarded to the Vinci Construction Grands Projets consortium for $365.9 million.
The reinforced concrete structure, supported by cables, will be 4605 meters, including facilities, according to the report released by the ACP, reports La Prensa.
Since the Canal  began operating in 1914, cars with  loads  beloe 20 tons have had to travel on the structure of the Gatun locks, but the traffic stops when ships pass through.
Thirteen districts with a population of 80,000 will benefit from the new bridge.
The construction project is in compliance with the commitment made by the ACP to provide a permanent crossing in that sector (bridge or tunnel), as part of the proposed construction of the third set of locks.
The design of the bridge began in June 2011 and was awarded to the American Chinese group China Communications Construction Company / Louis Berger Group.
Subsequently, the ACP issued a tender for the construction, which was awarded in 2012 to Vinci Construction Grands Projets group the work to be completed in July 2016.
The main bridge will be 1.050 meters long, including the main light of 530 meters while the viaducts (elevated pillars segments) will be 1,125 and 906 meters in the east and west respectively. The access roads are included.
“Currently both concrete plants (east and west) are underway and producing concrete for the main bridge piles,” says the report.
If delays do not occur the residents of the Costa Abajo de Colon, may transit the bridge almost at par with the commencement of operations of the third set of locks. ( 73% complete).