One dead, one injured at Canal expansion

ONE MAN was killed and another injured at the Canal expansion site in Colon on Thursday August 28. It was the third death at the  Atlantic site since 2009.

The deceased worker was identified as Edward Wright, a native of the province of Bocas del Toro.

 The accident occurred when a slab of concrete that had been suspended about 10 meters in height fell.

 Union leader Esteban Sugaste confirmed the name of the injured  man was Joel Solís. He was taken to the Manuel Amador Guerrero Hospital. The union leader was critical of a lack of safety measures at the site.

 This was  the ninth death of a Panama construction worker this year.One dead, one injured at Canal expansion
ONE MAN was killed and another injured at the Canal expansion site in Colon on Thursday August 28. It was the third death at the Atlantic site since 2009.
The deceased worker was identified as Edward Wright, a native of the province of Bocas del Toro.
 The accident occurred when a slab of concrete that had been suspended about 10 meters in height fell.
 Union leader Esteban Sugaste confirmed the name of the injured man was Joel Solís. He was taken to the Manuel Amador Guerrero Hospital. The union leader was critical of a lack of safety measures at the site.
 This was the ninth death of a Panama construction worker this year.