Varela studies US ebola control protocols

AS REPORTS continue to circulate n Costa Rica about the country’s vulnerability to ebola via its border with Panama, President Juan Carlos Varela visited the Center of of Disease Control (CDC) located in Atlanta to learn about the protocols implemented by that country for the handling of the disease.
The Costa Rican newspaper La Nación that the Paso Canoas border is vulnerable to the entry of the ebola virus. “In seven key points of entry and exit, there is a lack of specialists from the Ministry of Health and Social Security with the capacity for health surveillance. This situation raises the vulnerability to attack of any disease,” says the report. The report cites statements by the director of Health Surveillance of the Ministry of Health who said there is no budget for basic surveillance at the border. According to the official, at least three people are needed at cover all shifts.
Last week, Panama’s Ministry of Health ordered 1,500 protective suits to address a potential outbreak,. They also noted that any potential cases will be handled at the Social Security Hospital in 24 de Diciembre and Santo Tomas Hospital.