President signs deal with striking bus drivers

PRESIDENT Juan Carlos Varela on, when he met with striking Metro bus drivers Tuesday, October 14and signed an agreement with them, that will ensure their job security after the government takes over the system.

The drivers had been on strike for last two days due to uncertainties that raised by the government takeover of the Metro. Varela met with the drivers in La Doña and signed a document stating that the government is committed to ensuring their employment benefits and that they will not face any sanctions for the strike re
Atenor Gudamuz, spokesman for the drivers , said they expect the president to comply with the document, that was also signed by Mi Bus General Manager Luis Fernando Villegas, and National Assembly Transportation Commission Chairman Diogenes Vergara.
Service is now expected to get back to normal. There will be a meeting Wednesday to discuss the transition. It will include officials from both Mi Bus and the government.