Judges unjustified enrichment case opens

THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY sub-committee “of guarantees” assessing the unjustified enrichment case involving Supreme Court Justice Alejandro Moncada Luna, will meet on Friday, October 17 .

Pedro Miguel González, the deputy who is acting as prosecutor in the case reported that he has set the meeting for 2 p.m Gonzalez said that he made the request on the basis “of the work that has been done in a week” and because he has five witnesses ready to testify.
At the hearing the commission will also consider requests made by the defense.
Earlier, the plenary of the Supreme Court reported that it has declared a permanent session to discuss the protection of constitutional rights and the warning of unconstitutionality presented by Sidney Sitton, the judge’s defense lawyer.
Court Chief Justice Jose Ayú Prado said that the continuous session implies that the plenum will remain gathered to resolve both petitions.
Ayú Prado said that judges Alejandro Moncada Luna and Harry Diáz will not be involved in the discussion.
Sitton presented his petition over the provisional seizure of property request made by González.
Moncada Luna has faced scrutiny over his purchase of $1.7 million worth of property since he took office, despite having few declared assets beforehand. As a justice, he makes $10,000 monthly.